On January 6, 2023, Hotto Motto began nationwide sales of its limited-time menu items "Chinese Ankake Gohan" and "Chinese Ankake Kata Yakisoba".
The popular winter menu item, "Chinese Ankake" is made with five kinds of vegetables (Chinese cabbage, onion, carrot, green onion, and snap pea) to bring out the best flavor of the ingredients, providing half of the daily requirement of vegetables. It also contains pork and kikurage mushrooms.
We head to the store and order the "Chinese Ankake Gohan (590 yen)" to investigate the actual meal.
The "Chinese Ankake Gohan" is completed by pouring the Chinese Ankake over the rice.
The crunchy texture of the vegetables is addictive, and the moderate seasoning brings out the flavor of the ingredients.
Combined with savory pork, it is an excellent meal.
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【1月6日(金)~】中華あんかけごはん・中華あんかけかた焼きそば発売 | ほっともっと
— 進撃のグルメ@コンビニ新商品(セブン・ローソン・ファミマ)@口コミで話題のグルメブロガー (@rekishichosadan) 2023年1月6日
素材の味を活かした醤油ベースのあん、具材の食感がたまらない、ボリューム満点の中華丼です。 pic.twitter.com/D5yqIgeBYm